Our trick for anticipating the attention of the T&T Consumer
Did we ever mention that we have a crystal ball hidden at the office? Yep, we do.
It can tell you what Trinbagonians are paying attention to and are interested in. Do you know why that’s important? If you can discover where your market’s attention is, you can in turn, gain attention for your products.
Our ‘Crystal Ball of Divination’ comes from Google Trends. Google Trends tracks the search activity of millions of Google Search users worldwide. We can narrow this global demographic just to Trinidad & Tobago to figure out what Trinis are looking for and what they are thinking about.
Flocking to Furious 7
For the past 30 days, Trinbagonians have been interested in the movies – Paul Walker, Furious 7, Imax and Caribbean Cinemas are among the major rising search queries. If you think your target market is among these Google-searchers, think about advertising and messaging in the movie theatres with handouts at the door, flyers attached to the popcorn or invites coupled with movie tickets. Even think about online ads placed on movie websites.
The Most Pirated TV Show
Game of Thrones, the world’s most pirated TV show, appears on the list of top Rising Searches. With the 2015 season premiere airing on 12 April, this search term began trending in mid-April. If your target audience belongs to the Game of Thrones audience, why not some try some messaging to appeal to them? From dragon-themed specials to online ads targeted at TV viewers, strike a chord with your audience using your brand’s personality.
Video in the Vanguard
Did you notice what tops the list of the Top Searches for the past 30 days? It’s not Facebook, it’s not Google.com, it’s YouTube – Trinbagonians are being drawn to online video. Is your YouTube Channel in order? Have you got the content to attract repeated views and grow subscribers? If you don’t, never fear – we can run your digital ads on YouTube. When a Trinibagonian looks for the Furious 7 trailer – your ad can appear next to it.
See how US marketers are using Google Trends for summer months to sell their products and services and keep your eye on T&T’s Google Trends to help anticipate Trinibagonian interests. Now that you’ve had a glimpse into the ball, how do you plan to take advantage of your new mind-reading abilities?