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Dairy Dairy Virtual Camp

Case Study

The Challenge

Covid-19 changed the way millions of people live, work and learn. Trinidad & Tobago is no different.

With social distancing measures, sporadic lockdowns and tighter budgets, vacation time could have been a struggle for children and a frustrating time for parents.

But with remote learning and social distancing, how can a brand create safe, responsible child-friendly fun?

The Solution

Dairy Dairy Milky Magic Day Camp

This multifaceted online camp created an avenue for lots of excitement for children but required limited involvement and supervision from parents.

The camp involved 7 facilitators over a 4-week period with the 3 camp days per week. The diverse range of activities included storytelling, folklore, history, arts & crafts, dancing, drumming, local films, puppet shows and social issues for children like anti-bullying and disability awareness.

From a brand perspective, the camp provided the added bonus of increasing social engagement and loyalty and helped sustain sales during the pandemic.

The Results


Unique Users


Video Views


Increase in Engagement