Forget The Year Plan… Try a Here Plan

Forget The Year Plan… Try a Here Plan

“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.” Eleanor Roosevelt.

As we close off the first month of the year, or as some say the longest month of year, how are your New Year’s resolutions going? Ok… We’ll change the topic.

As 2025 stretches ahead of us, it’s easy to be fixated on the future: technology moving with incredible rapidity; shape-shifting in the political landscape; changing dynamics in the workforce and so much more. While having eyes on the future is prudent, and learning from the experience of the past is good wisdom, it is awareness in the present moment that can truly propel us.

The art of mindfulness — being fully present in the here and now — is a powerful tool both for personal well-being and business executives, especially in a ever-evolving marketing landscape. As Peter Drucker (the father of modern management) famously stated, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Reminding us that the most effective way to shape the future is by channeling our full attention and energy into the actions we take today.

Practice the pause

This also holds true for business of brand building. Undivided attention in the moment can positively impact creative thought processes, bring clarity to marketing decision-making, which in turn fosters innovation and the reward of better business results.

There is great power in the pause. Stop in the moment and reflect about your customer, your staff and, of course, your brand in the present:

  • What is my customer experiencing now?
  • What challenges are impacting the marketing team, sales manager, or any related staff member currently?
  • How can my brand address pain points in today’s world?

Simple questions that cause reflection and evaluation of the current state of affairs of your brand can lead to answers regarding what’s currently trending, consumers’ needs and constantly-evolving market dynamics. 

Specifically related to brand communications, the process of capturing attention, telling stories, building relationships, and generating demand — all thrive when we stay in the moment. In the fast-paced world of brand business, don’t let last quarter’s results and next quarter’s targets overshadow today’s opportunities.

As quoted by renowned marketing author Seth Godin, “Strategy is the hard work of choosing what to do today to improve our tomorrow.” Presence isn’t just a mindset — it’s a superpower. The BUZZ can help you and your brand harness it.